Free Events in Newquay Today

If you’re looking for free events in Newquay today, then the list below will give you the heads up. It’ll show you a quick list of free events that are ongoing, or just for today. One off free days out, or exhibitions and displays.
Free Events in Newquay Today
It goes without saying that Newquay’s beaches are always free, coastal walks and foraging for free food along the clifftops and on the beaches, but if you’re looking to be entertained or enthralled, excited or left breathless, an organised event is sometimes just the ticket.

If you’re trying to pick which beach to head for, or which end of town to spend your day, this list is to help you see if you’ll be at the quiet or the busy end of town.

Free Events in Newquay

There are many events in Newquay for which there is no charge. Surf competitions are always free to watch and you can choose to sit yourself on the beach with a picnic, or grab a grandstand view from the clifftop. Other events are annual, but free, such as the Zapcats, Polo on the Beach or the annual parade.

In the town, free events are often held on Killacourt, above Towan Beach, or at Newquay Harbour.

This list will help you to quickly find “What’s On Today”, and where it is, so you don’t miss out!

List of Free Events in Newquay and Further Afield Today:

  • There are no events listed at the moment, sorry.

Most activities are seasonal, with more happening in the summer months, so there’s not always something to do today, but hopefully there’s something happening when YOU want it to.

Also keep an eye out for posters in shop windows and the Community Noticeboards, there’s one by the camping shop near the station and one by the public loos in the car park above the bowling green, as well as others.
