Mid Cornwall Business Group

Mid Cornwall Business Group

Date: Thursday 4 Jul 2013. Starts: 7AM. Ends: 8AM.

Location: Kingsley Village, Fraddon

Details of Event:


Since 2002, the Mid Cornwall Business Group has met on a weekly basis, at 7am-8.30am on Thursdays. Members are owners or representatives of small- to medium-sized businesses in and around Mid-Cornwalll.

You can find out more about this business group, who it’s for, how you join, by going to the Mid-Cornwall Business Group page.

The benefits of meeting with this group is that it pulls in members from a larger area, all working or operating in mid-Cornwall, helping to give your business essential extra local exposure. Gain different insights into the varied local market potential and swap leads and referrals in an informal surrounding.

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Notes: You should always check with the organisers before making any plans related to an event. These event details are published in good faith but NO responsibility can be taken for errors or event cancellations.

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