Newquay Events Calendar - 9 Jun 15

The Newquay Events Diary below is an eclectic mix of events in Newquay that might appeal to you whether you’re a resident or a holidaymaker, or visiting your second home. Newquay Cornwall

As with all things, it’s biased – biased towards events I know are occurring, events I see posted round town – and events that are well-known. But then I need to remember to add them once I’ve found them. If I see a poster strapped to a lamp-post there’s a chance I will remember, but I don’t always 🙂

If I think an event is exceedingly dull, or I just take a personal dislike to it, it won’t be included 🙂
We’re not biased here, but sometimes things have to be dropped. The aim is to have a bit of a mix though, across all dates… but this isn’t always possible.

  • Tuesday 9 Jun 2015 - 12PM to 4PM

    Newquay Car Boot Sales: Circus Field, Tuesdays and Thursdays 2015, Newquay

    Newquay car boot sales are continuing to be held in the circus field on Tuesdays and Thursdays in 2015, with the first one at the end of March and going through to the end of the season – weather depending.
    Newquay Car Boot Sales 2015
    Access to the Circus Field in Newquay is off the roundabout near to Morrisons, alongside Hendra Holiday Park.

  • Tuesday 9 Jun 2015 - 2PM to 4PM

    Crantock WI Meetings, Monthly, Crantock, Newquay

    Every second Tuesday of the month the Crantock Women’s Institute meets at the Village Hall in the afternoons. Crantock WI Meetings

    New members are always welcome. If you wish to know more or get involved, contact:

    • Veronica Gray, Local President, 01637-830928
    • Sylvia Beswick, WI Secretary, 01637-831361.

  • Tuesday 9 Jun 2015 - 9PM to 11PM

    Free Pub Quiz, Weekly at the Red Lion, Newquay

    Every Tuesday night it’s the free pub quiz at the Red Lion – with a £35 cash prize for the overall winner, as well as some great food and drink prizes after each quiz round. Free Pub Quiz, Red Lion

    All welcome.

    And if that’s not enough, you can enjoy the cosy log fire, pool table, dart board and gaming machines or just watch the superb harbour views.

  • E&OE

    Please do not rely upon the information here if you’re setting out on a long journey. Sometimes events are changed, or cancelled, so always check that things are still scheduled before you set off.